Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My blogging attempts!:)

Hi again everyone!:)  Gosh, I am so BAD at this blog thing!  I just don't seem to be able to think of anything to post here!  But yes, I am going to make a valiant attempt from now on...shake myself out of this laziness to write, and more importantly, so that I don't have to wish that there was a hole in the ground into which I could disappear every time someone tells me that they have visited my blog a million times and asks why there have been no posts in the last eight months!  Is my blog redundant?  Am I still holding classes/doing cakes? :))  Why do I have a blog if I don't bother to update it? :( So yes, this is me, rambling on here, all the while thinking at the back of my head about what to "actually write!"

You know what my problem is?  Firstly,  I'm terrible at these technical things!  Figuring out how to post in itself was a huge deal, and yes, I'm mightly proud that I finally figured how to do it!  Next comes the posting of pictures...God! That's the next hurdle!  A bigger one actually, because I have to find pictures to post, and, you guessed it, I have no idea where to find them since (of course) I would have saved them all over the place, very indiscriminately, in multiple folders...a complete and thorough mess!  Wait!  Before I can create a mess of that nature, I would have had to take the photographs, right?  So that's another story...figuring out how to use the camera! :(  Okay, I finally take the pics and upload them (I got lucky with that) and along comes S, my daughter, and gives me a long tutorial on how to brighten, sharpen, and do lots of other wonderful things to my pics, which of course, yes, you guessed right again...leaves me in a bigger mess!  Well, she then lets out a long, deep sigh, takes over my laptop and starts cleaning it out, sorting out files and folders, sharpening and brightening pics and what not for the next one which time my focus is "off elsewhere"!  After a final lecture on how I should maintain my folders, pictures, blog and everything else, she looks at the time and says "God! I've wasted a whole hour doing this, when am I gonna study!  Why didn't you tell me it was so late!" And off she goes and slams her door shut!  I look proudly at my new post, bright, sharp pics and all, and hit "Publish Post"!  Yay!  I did it!  I just made a new post!  Now to relax and forget all about it for the next eight months! :))  Kidding! I promised myself right?  At least one post a week? Yes.  So please everyone, don't give up on me, please come back and check from time to time....if you' just might find something new! Bye for now and happy baking!